Everything about Ear, Nose, and Throat Allergies

Many people have a minor cold, cough, or flu symptoms, and they have no idea these all could be signs of prominent ear, nose, and throat allergic problems. If you have normal flu or cold, the symptoms will persist only for a few hours or 2-3 days; however, if you have an allergic disease, the symptoms can persist daily when you come in contact with an allergic substance such as; dust or pollution. So, if you want to improve your quality of life the n there is everything about ear, nose, and throat allergies that you must be aware of; Symptoms of Ear, Nose, and Throat Allergy The allergic problems have the same symptoms as flu or cold; however, the flu or cold symptoms last up to 2-3 days, and on the other hand, the allergic symptoms can last up to long. Here are the few symptoms through which you can recognize that you have an allergic problem; Sore Throat Dark Circles under the Eyes Sneezing Puffy Nose Chronic Cough Blocked Nose Itching in the Ear, Nose, and Throat ...